Why is manifesting not working?
Have you tried what feels like every Law of Attraction program, or tips/tricks and they haven’t worked? It’s really frustrating, and it’s so easy to give it all up after your 4th or 5th different program. I know I did. One program was dropped after 3 months, and the other after only 5 days. Yet I still expected that amount of time to have been enough to manifest the things I wanted.
I would sign up for an LoA program (or an MLM if we’re being honest) and expect it to solve all of my life’s problems, but at the same time not fully trust the program. It would feel good for a few days, and then I would hit a very mild speed bump, and immediately be out or start looking at other programs. I would cancel the membership or not renew the program, then wallow in frustrated indignance. “It was the program that didn’t work, not me!” I never took the time to take responsibility for how I was showing up for these programs. How could they have a chance to work if I was always a half step out of the door looking for other programs? By not putting in my “all-in” energy, the program only ever had a fraction of a chance to work anyway.
The problem was, I was not being consistent. I would go 100mph the first week, then burn out from doing 2-3 hours a day of LoA work. I would allow 2 days off, then struggle to get back on board. It was difficult for me to find a balance with how I was showing up for these DiY programs. Sometimes I would get back on board, but usually after I burned out that first week, I would sit in discomfort knowing I was paying for something I wasn’t using, but not know how to get back in it. Usually, I started looking for other programs that were sure to work. Here’s the thing I didn’t understand; The program can’t work if you don’t keep showing up.
For me, I continued this pattern for about 8 years until I finally discovered Enchanted Life U. The thing that made it easier to commit was that I could log in and know exactly what to do every day. Unlike other programs I had joined before that gave me a mountain of advice or exercises with no real daily guidance as to how to actually apply them. That style of “DiY” Law of Attraction hadn’t been working for me because I didn’t have a defined path laid out. In ELU, there is clear guidance in place that took the pressure off of me. I would relax and just show up and have concrete things to do every day. There was a simple and easy step by step process that got me results faster than any before. These daily steps made it so easy to show up every day for assignments. It was after just a short time that I realized that was what was making my manifesting work - the consistency. By showing up to do the work every day for a few minutes, I was building momentum and experiencing more success.
I talk about this in this podcast episode. A little over 2 years into my work with ELU, my life really started to feel good. I began skipping my daily assignments because I felt like I didn’t need to do them as consistently. Life stayed good for a few weeks, I kept riding the “excuse train,” and chose not to do assignments. Not long after, life got bad really quickly, and it felt IMPOSSIBLE to do an assignment. I dug my heels in and convinced myself I had been in ELU long enough, I could get myself out of this. But more and more time went by, and my life got the most difficult it had been since before joining Enchanted Life U.
Luckily, I was still registered with ELU even though I wasn’t doing assignments. Finally, I got uncomfortable enough - I reached out for help. I knew I had a coach and a group of people who were built in to support me no matter where I was on my journey. I knew if I reached out for support, I would FIND support. After some coaching, I recommitted to consistency in my assignments. I noticed a shift in my life and how I felt not long after.
I’ve been “all-in” with my assignments consistently since then, and I can truly say I’ve manifested more of my dream life than I ever could have imagined. Just the other day, I manifested a $5,000 engagement ring! Now, I always have more than enough money in all of my accounts, and best of all, I feel confident and easy when I think about money and the things I want to buy.
If you are ready to manifest more in 60-90 days, let’s start with money. We have a program called Manifest $10K. In it, we help you manifest money while learning how to manifest more of your dream life using daily assignments and the power of consistency. Click here to enroll!