Struggling With Manifesting More Money?
Are you struggling with manifesting more money? I used to struggle with manifesting more money too! It was so frustrating and disappointing, all I wanted to do was figure out how to manifest more money, and it was a struggle.
Here are three things I was doing wrong when it came to manifesting:
The first thing I was doing wrong was telling bullshit mantra’s. I would say things like “I am a millionaire”, “money is easy”, “I am a money magnet” and so many more. They weren’t things that I actually believed, but I thought if I said them often enough, that somehow they would magically become true.
The second thing I was doing wrong was ALL THE THINGS. I was doing all the manifesting things I had read about. There are so many books and so many manifesting things to do, that I was attempting to do them all. I didn’t know what would work, so I figured I had to do them all if I wanted to make manifesting work and manifest more money.
The third thing I was doing wrong, and this one is a big one, which I’ve never shared before. I was trying to CHEAT! Yep, you read that right. I was doing all the manifesting things, but I was trying to make it work faster, so I wouldn’t do the whole manifesting process as explained. Instead, I would try to get around the whole process and find a loophole to make it work faster and maybe even better. The only thing I cheated, was myself.
So, how can you stop struggling with manifesting more money? Here are three things you can do to help you stop struggling with manifesting more money today:
- Get Clear - You know you want to manifest more money. The first thing to do is get clear on what you want more money for. Do you want more money so you can take a dream vacation? Do you want more money so you can pamper yourself more? Getting clear on what you would do with more money is the first step as it gives your brain something to focus on. When you get clear, and your brain knows where the money will go, it will look for ways to help make it happen.
- Put Down Your Manifesting List - Stop doing ALL THE THINGS. When you can put down your manifesting to-do list and focus on one thing at a time, you’re going to have better success. One of the easiest ways to do this is to spend 20 minutes a day doing your “manifesting” exercise(s). Set a timer for 20 minutes, and for those 20 minutes, go all in on your “manifesting” exercise(s). Pick your favorite manifesting exercise. For example, did you create a vision board? Spend your 20 minutes looking at your vision board. Think about how amazing it’s going to be having what you want on your vision board for those 20 minutes. You could also pick something on your vision board and “act as if”. Let’s say you have a $500 shopping spree for new clothes on your vision board. Use your 20 minutes to “act as if” the money has already shown up and you’re going shopping. You can either physically go to the store you want to shop at, or shop online and put everything in your cart. Have fun with “acting as if” for those 20 minutes. When the 20 minutes are up, go enjoy the rest of your day.
- Make A Commitment To Yourself - You know you’ve been struggling with manifesting more money, but are you willing to commit to doing the work. In today’s world, we have instant access to so many things, and we expect things quickly. Manifesting can be quick, but you have to commit to yourself to do the work, and not expect it to be delivered by Amazon the next day. Manifesting will be a daily practice, and you have to commit to show up daily and do the work to get manifesting to work for you.
I struggled with manifesting more money just like you! I was doing it all wrong. When I learned to get clear, put down my manifesting to-do list and made a commitment to myself, I became an amazing manifestor. I manifest more money for more of what I want in my life. I get to take dream vacations. I get to have experiences that bring me so much happiness and joy. I manifest amazing opportunities for more money to show up in my life.
I didn’t do it all on my own. I had been struggling with getting manifesting to work for years, when I finally decided that I needed more. I wanted a program that made it easy to know exactly what to do each day. I wanted someone to hold me accountable when I would try to cheat my way out of getting manifesting to work. I also wanted to be surrounded by other people who were getting what they wanted, and weren’t struggling with manifesting. I wanted to tap into that energy of people getting what they wanted and living a life they loved every single day.
When I enrolled at Enchanted Life U, I got all that and so much more. I got daily assignments, no guess work as to what manifesting exercise to do or what would work. I got a coach who guided me and held me accountable when I tried to cheat my way out of doing the work. I also got a community of amazing people who were manifesting more and more of what they wanted. I got to celebrate their success, and they celebrated mine! When I enrolled, I made the commitment to myself to show up, do the work and be coachable. I was tired of struggling to manifest more money! It was the best decision I ever made.
If you’re ready to stop struggling to manifest more money, join Enchanted Life U today. Learn how to stop struggling and start manifesting more money today. You can go all in and invest up front, or you can join Pay After You Manifest, where you pay as you go. To enroll today, click here…
Written with Intention by Abundance Facilitator Kimberly