How to Release Old Stories to Manifest Your Dreams
An old story is a story that is no longer true for you and or you no longer want to tell about your life.
A story is a phrase or statement that dictates what happens in your life.
For example, if you say “I’m not good with money.” That is a story you are telling and that story will dictate how you behave with money.
Stories are powerful because when you say them they start to write what happens in your life next.
One of the things we do in Enchanted Life University is catch and stop telling the stories that you no longer want to be true/live.
As you grow, it’s not uncommon for a bunch of old stories to come up. They come up to go away, but many people try to whack-a-mole them away.
Here is a process I gave Dave, which we discuss further in this week’s episode of Manifesting Success Stories:
- Give the old story the space to come out and be seen. It needs that. It won't be ignored anyways.
- 2. Neither indulge in the story or make it your own. It's untrue anyways.
- Feel the feelings that fuel the old story, feel the feelings that come up, stay with the uncomfortable, and breathe.
- Choose to live the new story AFTER the old ones have been given space and are fully in the past.
You can use this process too.
Cheers to letting go of what no longer serves you!
Written with love, intention and celebration by Cassie Parks.