How to Manifest: Trust, Inspiration, and Letting Go
What if you could manifest the big things? Are you really good at manifesting the small things, but when it comes to the big things, it feels like you don’t know how? I was great at manifesting the small things, like parking spaces and small amounts on scratch off lottery, but I really wanted to be able to manifest the big things. I just didn’t know how, and thought everyone else knew something I didn’t. No matter how hard I tried, the big things just felt out of reach.
I would see people manifesting amazing vacations, new cars and their dream homes and I wanted those things for myself and so much more. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to manifest the big things, until I learned the following:
- Building my trust muscle and trusting that what I wanted to manifest was on its way by finding evidence that it was.
- Following inspiration to get me closer to what I wanted.
- Letting go of the outcome.
Building Your Trust Muscle. Learning to build your trust muscle and trust that what you want to manifest is coming is something that takes practice. In the beginning your trust isn’t very strong, like a muscle that hasn’t been used in awhile. In order for your muscle to get stronger, you have to train it and keep working it. It doesn’t get stronger by picking up weights one day and then waiting a month before you pick them up again. You want to pick up the weights several times throughout the week. Building your trust muscle is the same way, it won’t get stronger if you don’t practice trusting more often.
You already know you’re great at manifesting the small things, now start building your trust muscle so that you can manifest the big things. One way to build your trust muscle for the big things is to find evidence of what you want. Get a notebook or use an app on your phone to document the evidence. Let’s use a beach vacation as one of the big things you want to manifest. Throughout the week, find evidence of a beach vacation. Write it down in your notebook or on your app. Here are a few examples of “evidence” that you might find throughout the week:
- A picture of the beach
- A seashell
- Overhear someone talking about a beach vacation
- Anything that has to do with a beach is evidence that you gather that what you want is on its way.
Finding and documenting the evidence that what you want is on its way is building your trust muscle, and when you build your trust muscle, it keeps getting stronger and stronger.
Follow Inspiration. By learning how to build your trust muscle, you learn to follow inspiration. Inspiration is a whisper or a nudge along the way to move you towards more of what you want. Following inspiration is not something you can plan or figure out, inspiration just shows up or happens. It’s easy and fun. Trusting the whispers or the nudges leads you to more of what you want.
Let’s use the beach vacation again. When you are following inspiration, you get a whisper or a nudge to do something. Here’s an example of following inspiration. You wake up thinking about getting coffee. You get in your car, and you find yourself driving to a new coffee shop and when you sit down you start having a conversation with a complete stranger, who turns out to be a travel agent. You didn’t wake up planning to go to that coffee shop, looking to talk to a travel agent. Instead, you followed the whisper/nudge of wanting coffee and driving to the coffee shop, where you were just having a fun conversation with someone new, who just so happened to be a travel agent. You trusted the whisper and the nudge. That is how inspiration shows up and what can happen when you follow it.
Letting go of the outcome. When you let go of the outcome of how what you want has to show up, you open up space to allow it to show up easier. If you’re so focused on the only way you think it can show up, it has a harder time getting to you. It’s the difference between driving on a one way street and multi-lane highway. Focusing on how it has to show up is driving on a one way street with only one way to get where you want to go. Letting go of how it has to show up is being on a multi-lane highway, with multiple ways for what you want to show up and multiple ways to get where you want to go.
If you find yourself thinking the only way this is going to happen is “Z”, choose to let that thought go. Instead be open to how it could happen. Write down (in the notebook you started tracking evidence in or on your app) 10 crazy and fun ways what you want could show up or happen. Here’s a few crazy and fun ways your beach vacation could happen:
- You win it in a drawing
- A friend of a friend offers you to stay at their beach house for free
- You get a bonus and it’s the exact amount needed to book your vacation
- You forgot about flight credits and get an email notification that they’ve been doubled plus they are giving you 3 nights for free at your choice of hotel
Let go of what you think the outcome has to be or how it should happen in order for you to manifest what you want. Be open to all the possibilities of how it could show up in your life.
I didn’t start manifesting the big things all on my own. I had a proven system that led me step by step, to building my trust muscle, following inspiration and letting go of the outcome. Having a step by step guide made it really easy to manifest what I wanted, including the big things. The daily assignments were my “weights” to build my trust muscle and it got stronger and stronger. By building my trust muscle through my daily assignments, I started to trust and follow inspiration, which led me to more and more of what I wanted. As I learned to let go of the outcome, I opened up so many “lanes on the highway” (space) to allow what I wanted to show up in super fun and easy ways.
Now that I know how to trust that I can manifest what I want, I am able to manifest the big things. It's easy to follow inspiration and then take inspired action that leads me to more of what I want. By letting go of the outcomes or trying to control how I want what I want to show up, my manifesting shows up in super fun, easy and unexpected ways, way better than I could have planned for myself. I have more money in my accounts than I ever thought possible and I have manifested big things, like a new car and amazing vacations to the beach.
I started manifesting the big things when I joined the Enchanted Life U program, Manifest $10K. In this program we teach you how to manifest $10,000 AND build your trust muscle, follow inspiration and let go of the outcome. If you are ready to start manifesting the big things, get started today by clicking here to join Pay After You Manifest. You can even start today and pay after you have created more money in your life.
Written with Intention by Abundance Facilitator Kimberly