Manifesting Tip-How To Manifest Better Birthdays
My birthday story wasn’t great until I became an adult and started to consciouly write it. My birthday was in the summer so my past story had to do with no one being around, not getting to celebrate like everyone else (I never got to bring treats to school to celebrate). When I was 12 or 13 my two best friends even forgot my birthday party was happening. Plus I had many friends from different areas of my life and they never got along at my parties.
All these things made for a crappy birthday story that repeated and played out for many years until I decided to write a new one. Since that time, my birthdays often feel like they are scenes out of a movie.
Here’s how to write a new birthday story so that you naturally manifest great birthdays:
- Stop telling your crappy birthday stories
- Get clear about how you want your birthday to feel
- Take ownership of designing your birthday
- Allow it to be amazing
Step 1-Stop telling your crappy birthday stories. Stop telling the stories of birthdays past that are not what you want to create in the future. Every time you tell a story you are fueling a similar story’s creation. It can feel hard, but the first thing to do is stop telling your crappy birthday stories.
There are two types of stories people tell about their birthdays. One is about a specific birthday that sucked. The other is how their birthdays in general suck. Stop telling both of these. First because you’re fueling it’s continued creation. Second, because as long as you are telling a story about crappy birthdays, it’s very hard to get clarity on the kind of birthday you would like to create.
Step 2-Get clear about how you want your birthday to feel. Identify for yourself how you want your birthday to feel. Also, I identify how you want to feel. This isn’t just the opposite of the stories above. And be careful you don’t fall into the “not” trap here. If you’re identifying what you want, leave out the nots, don’ts, etc. Here’s an example:
Not trap: I don’t want to feel angry
Clarity: I want to feel happy
See the difference? Check yourself. One of the reasons people have a hard time manifesting a new birthday experience is that they think they are getting clear about what they want, but they are actually focused on the nots and don’ts.
Step 3-Take ownership of designing your birthday. Yes, you. YOU design and plan the ultimate birthday. The first time I did this was when I turned 30. I started planning months in advance because I wanted to create the experience I wanted. My birthday desire was to go down a specific water slide in the Bahamas, so I planned the trip and invited people.
As the day got closer, I also decided I wanted a girlfriend celebration to send off my 20s. So, the last night of being 29 I planned a celebration that included wine and fondue. I planned this two days before my party. Someone said to me something about feeling sad that I had to plan my own birthday, but I wasn’t sad. I was happy. I was creating exactly what I wanted for myself and my life. If you have a judgement about planning your own celebration, let that go. It’s your life. It’s about you. You want to set the stage.
Once I designed my 30th birthday celebrations by birthdays turned more and more magical. And because I had demonstrated what I wanted to create, people did start planning them for me.
Step 4-Allow it to be amazing! This sounds easy, but if you haven’t trained yourself to allow the good stuff in, you can mess this part up. Some people mess it up by focusing on who doesn’t show up instead of who does. THey get caught up in judging how their celebrations came about. YOU have to allow yourself to have amazing birthdays if you want to create even more amazing birthdays.
Enchanted Life U student Paulie, might not have had a crappy birthday story, but it wasn’t a fabulous one either. That’s all changed. In this week’s interview she shares all the wonderful birthday plans she has and how they just happened without her trying to make them all happen.
Also, coming up in episode #369, Paulie shares how she manifested $4500 on her birthday!
If you want some inspiration for how to shift your birthday story, click here to listen to this episode. Remember, you can start writing a new birthday story today, no matter when your next birthday is.
Written with love, intention and inspiration by Cassie Parks