How To Feel More Loved
Do you want more love in your life? I have so much love in my life now, but it wasn’t always that way. I was the type of person who gave all of her love to those around her, but never quite felt that much love in return.
I had no idea how to feel more loved! It felt so impossible to get those around me to show me more love. I figured they were giving as much love as they knew how. I would blame myself for not getting more of the love I craved. I used to think that I was too much of a perfectionist, nobody could meet my expectations. I also used to tell myself that if my own family couldn’t love me for me, why would anyone else? If I wasn’t blaming myself, then I would blame those in my life for not being able to love me the way I wanted to be loved. I would tell my husband I wanted more romance, as I thought him showing me romance meant he loved me. When he couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver, I blamed him for his lack of giving me what I asked for. I used to go all out for those around me, dropping whatever I was doing to help because I loved them, but they wouldn’t do the same for me. I told myself they were selfish and took advantage of my love and kindness. Either way, blaming myself or blaming them, I wasn’t getting or feeling more loved in my life and it felt like I would never figure it out.
It wasn’t until I had a coach that I realized I wasn’t open to more love in my life. I had closed myself off because I had certain expectations of what others could or would give me. There was no room for anything else other than what I expected. I wasn’t being coached on how to feel more loved. I was being coached on how to manifest more money. I began to focus on what I wanted more of in my life, money being the top priority in the beginning. I learned to apply that to my relationships, focus on more of what I wanted. If the program had said, “learn how to be open to more love” I would have thought, that’s BS, I am open to more and I would have moved right along. Yet, here I was learning to manifest more money and more of what I wanted, when a light bulb went off, and I realized I could manifest more love in my life too. I hadn’t ever really put the two together.
It was a huge wake up call to realize that I was the one standing in my way of feeling more love in my life. During this time, I had actually separated from my husband, so I definitely wasn’t feeling more love in my life.
Learning how to be more open and becoming the woman who felt loved was a journey. By implementing what I was learning to manifest more money, it made it easier to use the same knowledge to manifest feeling more loved. I started focusing more on what kind of relationships I wanted. I started asking for what I wanted and needed, in a way I hadn’t done before. I started “loving me” and showing myself the love that I gave to others. One of the biggest shifts for me was letting go of my expectations. I started appreciating and celebrating the love that others were giving me.
Now that I know how to be open to love and be the woman who has amazing relationships, I do have that! I communicate what I need, and allow them to give it to me in ways that feel good to them. Now I can ask my loved ones for what I need and want, and get it. I give and show my love freely, knowing that I get it in return. I am open to love to show up in my life how it wants to, not by placing rules or expectations on it. I have deeper connections with all those in my life, my husband, my children, all the love I could ever want, and it feels so good!
I’d love for you to hear my journey of becoming the woman who learned how to be open to love, got it, and has amazing relationships now. Check out my Year of Growth interviews, where I share that and so much more. Just click here to listen: Kimberly Hite Year of Growth
Written with Intention by Abundance Facilitator Kimberly Hite