Best Manifesting Book
Do you love reading and looking for the next book to enjoy? Here is a list of books I’ve read all about manifesting that I really enjoyed, including the best manifesting book I’ve ever read!
The Secret by Ronda Byrne is where I remember my adventures of learning all things law of attraction started. I read the book and watched the movie. It was all very fascinating, and I was so excited to manifest all the things I ever wanted! I created a vision board with all the things I could possibly want, and kept telling the Universe every day what I wanted. Yet in the end, I still felt like there was a “secret” that I still needed to learn and it wasn’t shared, and if it was, I still wasn’t getting it. That book led to the next series of books I read.
Esther & Jerry Hicks wrote several books on the law of attraction. I purchased almost all of their books, yet I just never seemed to finish them all. I got tidbits that were useful along the way, yet I don’t recall exactly what I learned about the law of attraction.
Jump by Nancy Levin was an amazing book! I even got a 1 on 1 coaching call with Nancy. The problem with Jump, was that the book asks you to trust and the net will appear. Having trust like that just wasn’t in me at that point in my life.
Reading Nancy’s book led to another author by the name of Debbie Ford, and the book I started with was Dark Side of the Light Chasers. I spent 3 years reading her books and working on “fixing” myself. I thought if I finally fixed myself, then I would be able to manifest the life of my dreams. I really did grow and learn about myself during that time frame, but I just kept coming up with more stuff to fix. I decided that I needed to look for another way to get what I wanted. That led me back to manifesting and the next book.
E2 (Squared) by Pam Grout was a fantastic book with really easy to use tips and exercises. I absolutely loved her book. I even held a class using her book as the reference guide. We got together once a week, did an exercise together, and waited to see what happened. I had some success after reading her book and doing the exercises, but once again, I just wasn’t getting it. I don't even remember what we all manifested, but I still had a lot of fun.
There were many more books that I know I read, these are just a few that I enjoyed reading on my journey to the best manifesting book ever!
One day, I was using an app called Hoopla where I discovered it, Manifest $10,000 by Cassie Parks. I downloaded and read it from front to back in less than a day. Then I read it again and followed Cassie’s instructions on how to Manifest $10K. I finally discovered a book that was easy to follow, made perfect sense, and I had major success with. I manifested $10,000!!! When I read it for a second time, I manifested another $10,000!!!
The biggest “aha” I had from reading Manifest $10,000, was that I didn’t have to fix anything to manifest the life of my dreams. Talk about feeling major relief, especially after spending 3 years (well, most of my life really) trying to “fix” myself. The other “aha” I had was that I needed a coach. Someone to keep me accountable and guide me on my manifesting journey. It was the best investment I ever made in myself!! Two and half years later, I have manifested over $350,000 and my life is amazing! Manifest $10,000 truly is the best manifesting book I’ve ever read, and I think you’ll love it too!
You can order it on Amazon, Click here to purchase.
Another way to obtain it, is to join Pay After You Manifest, a program following the principles of the book in a more in depth approach and the benefit of having a coach. You can manifest first and pay after. After the Pre-Work and you apply to Manifest $10K, you have access to a complimentary copy of Manifest $10,000 and some other awesome books by Cassie. Get help from me, Kimberly, or another Abundance Facilitator to help you navigate using the law of attraction to manifest money and more. Click here to learn more.