How to Make the Law of Attraction Work By Being Present
Do you run around all day doing “manifesting things” while thinking about everything you want to happen in your life? Only to end the day feeling deflated because it hasn’t happened yet?
That used to be Paulie’s story too. She wanted so many things. The image of an amazing life was strong inside her head. She wanted her dreams to come true so she spent most of her days visualiaizng this life. Visualization was one of her go to manifesting techniques. But at the end of the day she wouldn’t feel better. She would feel more deflated than the day before. She used to wonder if it would ever happen or if she would ever be able to make the law of attraction work to manifest her dream life.
This is a manifesting mistake a lot of people make. They get so wrapped up in doing all the manifesting things to make it happen, that they miss some key ingredients to creating manifesting magic.
One key ingredient to creating manifesting magic is being present. You cannot be present in your current life if you are always in your head trying to manifest what you want.
Being more present means getting out of your head and your dream life and into your real life. It is in your current reality that you are going to move yourself closer to manifesting your dream life. Your everyday choices, thoughts and actions are what create tomorrow’s manifesting. Visualizing helps you know where you’re going and being present helps you know which way to turn to get there. Being present also helps you see what might already be in your life that you’ve been missing. Being more present, leads to more awareness, which leads to more conscious choice about what you are creating in your life. Let’s break this down:
Being present leads to awareness. Awareness is being able to see, hear and notice more of your life in order to be guided toward manifesting your dream life.
Seeing the world around you allows you to be oriented to what is around you. Which supports your Future Self guiding you.
You have to be able to hear the whispers from your Future Self to go here or there. Or to call this person or register for this class. This helps your Future Self guide you.
Noticing your thoughts allows you to be able to change them. One of the things you might be missing trying to manifest what you want is who you are being right now. Who you are now, is what you are going to create more of. So, if you want to create something different, you have to start being different. One way to do that is to notice your thoughts and then determine if these are the thoughts the person living your dream life (your Future Self) would have or not.
Many people thing the law of attraction works based on how much you want something. That’s not true. It works based on a like vibration. One way you set your vibration is by the choices you make. When you react or choose from habit you are creating more of the same. When you choose more consciously, you start to attract something different.
More conscious choice means consciously choosing thoughts and actions based on the dream life you want to manifest. Or simply what you want more of. Your choices today create your life tomorrow. The more you choose something, the more you create it tomorrow. What you choose today has a far greater impact on manifesting than how many times you visualize it.
It’s hard to consciously choose if you are not present. When you are not present your brain starts to run on auto-pilot. This means that your choices are made from habit instead of consciously creating what you want more of. If you stay present, you can choose in the present what you want more of and therefore create more of that tomorrow.
Here’s a simple example, if you choose to engage in fun today, you’re going to create more fun tomorrow. That’s how the law of attraction works. Like, attracts life.
You’ve probably heard it many times, be more present. And now you know why being present is important for manifesting what you want.
But do you know how to be present?
One way to become more present is to practice while making your bed each morning. Here are the steps:
1.Make your bed first thing in the morning.
2. As you make your bed be aware if there are any thoughts in your head. If there are, let them go.
3.Bring your presence to what you are doing.
- Feel the fabric.
- Listen for the sounds around you.
- Pay attention to how your body feels.
- Inhale and exhale deliberately while you make your bed.
See what all you notice as you increase your ability to be fully present in the moment.
I gave this exercise to Paulie and it really helped her deepen her presence which is shifting a lot of other things in her life. Listen to this week’s interview to hear how she’s becoming a better manifestor by being more present.
Cheers to the present moment,
P.S. Another thing that helps you become present is learning how to script using Enchanted Life University’s formula. If getting present with your Future Self is calling to you, the first step is to complete Manifest $10k.